Thursday, April 2, 2009

Woke Up This Morning......

For that I gave thanks! Need I say more?

Being thankful that I did wake up and that the coffeemaker is still just leaking and has not totally given out, I looked at the clock and realized I was just in time for Joyce Myer. Now some of you might already be a loyal follower of Joyce, some may have heard of her in passing and some of you might be like me, catch her if you can. Others of you might not have ever heard of her! I hate it for you. Lately I've been trying to "catch" her show more often because I'm realizing I do need some positive reinforcement and positively amusing reinforcement in my activities of daily living. And I've realized that I like starting the day that way.

How about you? How do you start your day? Do you look forward to it? Do you dread it? Is it a day of feeling it's great to be alive or is it another ho-hum day, just another day to get through? Don't misunderstand me here. I'm not trying to say that everyone should watch Joyce Myer everyday, although it wouldn't hurt if they did. I'm just suggesting that if you can't start your day in a positive way that it's about time you figure out how to do just that! You'd be amazed at what a difference it will make for you and everyone around you!

Now I CAN wake up positive on my own (okay, most of the time), been doing it for years (off and on). I can hardly wait for the beginning of each new day but you know, there's something about another person reminding you of all the reasons you can hardly wait for that day. Even though I'm trying to be "good" in God's eyes, when discouragement slips in or negativity tries to rear it's ugly head it's nice to have a voice that says...Don't give up!! God has his eye on you and he's there for you to lean on!!

It's nice to be reminded that by giving you receive, and to remind yourself that there's a whole lot of folks right now that could use some "givin". I don't mean just money or material things either...that's what got the country in the state it's in. Yes, that's right! In my opinion not saving enough money and buying too much "stuff" and placing too much emphasis on material things and forgetting the blessings that we do have is why so many folks are so unhappy with their lives turned upside down.

Just take a look around you when you go to a store, a school, a sporting event, a church even! Do you see all of these people that scurry around with their heads down, wrapped in their own thoughts, even worse sometimes, their own misery? Do you see the ones that look you in the eye, you say Hi give them a great big smile and they just ignore you and walk by? It's the same in stores, in banks, in schools, in cars, everywhere you look, sometimes even at home!!

MOST of the people you meet are thinking of the next thing they have to do, the next credit card they have to pay, the sick child they can't afford to take to the doctor, how to pay for the phone, the rent, the mortgage, the groceries they have to buy, and how much month is going to be left at the end of the money! People don't have time to smile, say hi, or even to stop and smell the flowers. What are we coming to?

How about you? Did you remember to say I love you today? To your kids, your husband, your wife, your sister or brother, Mom or Dad or anyone else on your "love" list? You know, the people that need to hear it! Do you know how many people didn't say, "I love you, have a good day!" today to someone that they love dearly, and that loved one might never make it home again? Harsh fact folks but it happens every day! Then you're left standing beside a casket saying, "I wish I could say I love you one more time." Or maybe you're the one at the other end of the casket saying, "I wish I'd told you I love you when you left today." Guess what! It's too late! Did you ever think about that? You will after it happens to you!

Did you take the time to do something nice for someone else today? A family member, a friend, a neighbor, or a simple hello to a passing stranger on the street?

Did you scold your child because you were upset from sitting in traffic before you picked him up from school? Were you short with your husband because you had a stressful day at work? Were you short with your wife because an employee didn't do his job right today? Did you kick the cat because the dog peed on the floor?

Do you understand my point here? I see it every day! People being unkind to the ones they love because of someone else's shortcomings? Come on folks! Take a deep breath! Take some more! Tomorrow is too late to undo the things that you SHOULDN'T have said or done today!!

Start by setting an example! Believe me, kindness is contagious! You can start a whole new epidemic!! One kindness at a time! One smile at a time!! Count your blessings!!

Thanks for tuning in! See you next time the "spirit' moves me!!


April 2, 2009